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Press Release 06. 03. For the year 2019, the state government has been running a sensitive situation. T. Nigam and Shihana Pleasant Settlement of the Movement: Deputy Chief Minister, Mr. Nitinbhai Patel, Mr. Jha - S. T. The employees of the corporation will have to pay the 7th salary standard for the game. 01. 04. 2018: Settlement period will be eight years. Freeware Kano Grade - Pay Rs. Rs. 1800 commodity and conditor grade grade - pay 2, 100 to Rs. 150 paid: the amount of the amount will be paid in three installments. Theoretical acceptance of teachers' employment in the form of consecutive time: FINANCE pay job is considered to be consecutive for promotions, seniority, excise pay scale and retirement benefits; 01. 04. Meet from 2019: Any kind of aerials will not be paid in cash or otherwise. It is a matter of fact that the government is very sensitive to the government's decision and the right decision for the delimitation of these issues. This is the fact that I have been in the state for two months, employees and teachers' employees have been involved in this work. I have been a part of this business. I am deeply involved with the union of the farming

community. The Deputy Chief Minister added that, more than 1.75 lakh teachers and other members of the SS corporation, who are more concerned about the scheme, have questions related to the scheme. It has been submitted to 2 lakhs of rupees for the project. In the context, Chief Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama, the eviction minister R. A. Krishna 816, created a cabinet committee on my education as a finance minister, and said, 'You should discuss with us' Char.' In that respect, we have phased out in this regard, this is the cabinet. After the meeting, the Chief Minister instructed to satisfy the SS, and teachers' questions, which is a We have discussed the issue with his unity, which has been resolved by the state

government regarding their making. "The state government has been thankful for acceptance of UT, Gore." The state government has thanked the people of GIDDA, "State of Gujarat:" Preparation of intercourse Nigtha What are the rhetorical groups for salaries and other benefits: How does the F11 leave Baba Shut, the government has voted </ ol / Nishay 1, which houses more than T1 45oco workers. (1) Seventh feet of 2th standard or I have to implement a rectangle. 01. 01. 2018: Will be done. (2) The settlement period / /. 01. 04. From year 2018 to Gac year 31, 0: 31. 2 1 separate l; After every year, the rate of every year every year. (3) The loan value of the loan - pay as per the sixth pay scale. Rs. . 8 on me, I'm going to increase the amount of Rs. 1 to Rs. In the case of giving away the bases to the tow fove. (4) For fixing the duties of the dix wages, no fax pay will be given by the corporation as per the revised schedule fixed by the corporation. (5) The Seven Pay Commission Implementation March - 2019 Paid / No April E

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