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STD 7 HINDI unit test number DATE 16/03/2019

The Gujarat government has decided to conduct a test every Saturday in Prathamik school, as the test conducted on every Shani is considered to be a part of continuous and holistic evaluation of one type.

Gujarat State Primary Education Officer named this unit test as a periodic test, the government's approach is an attempt to bring out the power within the children,

Every Saturday, a different subject is taken for the test and after that the examination of teachers has been done to re-remedial action of the children who have lost their dignity.

STD   4
STD   5 
STD   6
                               STD   7.   Link Click here
STD   8

Every Saturday, a different subject is taken for the test and after that the examination of teachers has been done to re-remedial action of the children who have lost their dignity.

HINDI  unit test number  DATE  16/03/2019 


           Std 7 
Image 1      image 2

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