Good news for government school teachers, release from this work...
5 Nov 2019
Loads of lunch are typically placed on teachers. It has been said that the level of education can be improved if the teachers pay more attention to the education of the students. Apart from this, small and large government works have been handed over to the teachers.
The responsibility of the booth level officer is also given to the teachers. States like Delhi have taken this issue seriously before and have freed teachers from this responsibility. Now the central government can take important decisions on this, which will bring relief to the teachers in the country.
5 Nov 2019
A relief news has arrived for teachers. Teachers can now be exempted from other government work. It is worth mentioning that in addition to teaching the children to the school teachers are involved in various voting work, lunch work and census work.
Loads of lunch are typically placed on teachers. It has been said that the level of education can be improved if the teachers pay more attention to the education of the students. Apart from this, small and large government works have been handed over to the teachers.
The responsibility of the booth level officer is also given to the teachers. States like Delhi have taken this issue seriously before and have freed teachers from this responsibility. Now the central government can take important decisions on this, which will bring relief to the teachers in the country.
Good news for government school teachers
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