online profile verification of each teacher - Letter 16/11/19
- Work done for Teacher Detail Verification at the school level - The school will have to check the following details of each of its teachers and give a certificate of Khai.
- - Permanent address details (by services)
- - Personal information
- - Salary Details
- - Business information
- - Line of service time
- - Species detail
- - Educational Qualification
- - Details of ccc
- - Detail card details
- The above details will be verified according to the school record in the teacher profile and all the details will be verified by the teacher, and all the teachers will have to sign the Principal and click on submit button.
- Related Other Links CLICK HERE
- The Principal will have to sign the verification and give the hard copy to the Taluka Primary Education Officer. Details of Teacher on Lobby Vacation
online profile verification of each teacher - Letter 16/11/19