HNGU Ma Vividh Abhyaskramo Ma Praveshni Jaherat
HNGU Ma Vividh Abhyaskramo Ma Praveshni Jaherat |
Hemachandracharya North Gujarat University Patan has decided to take all the faculty exams and under it, he has declared a program schedule for the exam, at which time the HGN University has prepared a detailed program about which faculty will take the exam. That program is placed on our website.
Student Admission Academic Year-2020-2021
Last date to fill the entry form : 06/07/2020
Date of publication of merit list and admission list: 13/07/2020
Last date for admission after paying the fee: 20/07/2020
Date of publication of second admission list as required: 23/07/2020
Last date to get admission filled with students in the second admission list: 27/07/2020
Last date for admission after paying the fee: 20/07/2020
Date of publication of second admission list as required: 23/07/2020
Last date to get admission filled with students in the second admission list: 27/07/2020
Due to epidemic of compassion virus Hemachandracharya North Gujarat University exam could not be done at the right time.Now when life is getting normal, then HNG U has decided to take all the faculty exams and under that decision now all the faculty New Admission Program Declared
HNGU Ma Vividh Abhyaskramo Ma Praveshni Jaherat |
With regard to the situation of COVID-10, this year in a special case, as per the resolution of the State Government, the examinations of Semester-2 in the undergraduate (UG) level will be held on. Exams of Semester-2 and 3 of the first and second year respectively in post-graduate (PG) level from Rs. Starting from. Also, all the courses in which admission has been obtained after graduation will also be taken. A detailed program will be posted on the university's website later.