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PUNAH EKAM KASOTI STD:-  6   DATE:-11-01-2020

The unit test is conducted in the primary state of Gujarat for fifteen days. At the end of planning of this unit test, these unit tests are tested by the teacher. The unit test subject teachers are to check in 15 days and mark the unit test online. From now on, the state government recruits a school inspector to evaluate all primary schools.The police pepar compulsorily tests the unit every time he visits your school. After all teachers mark the unit test, this unit has to be re-tested at the end of the test. You have to take the test again by explaining to the students the issues that are not a problem in the test. The teacher takes the test again and again the test is done. This test is then used to keep track of which marks have been lowered in the test. This test shows the children to their parents and they sign the parents. Whenever the school inspector arrives at our school, these tests are compulsory to check which issues and the teacher has taken the test correctly. It will also check whether the parents have been signed in these tests as well

Unit test papers solution semester 2 primary school 2019

  1.  ekam kasoti (30/11/19) Paper Solution std 3to 8 CLICK HERE
  2.  PUNAH KASOTI 30/11/19     CLICK HERE

  3.  ekam kasoti (07/12/19) Paper Solution std 3to 8    CLICK HERE
  4.  Punah Kasoti 07/12/19    CLICK HERE
  5.  ekam kasoti (14/12/19) Paper Solution   CLICK HERE
  6.  Punah Kasoti 14/12/19   CLICK HERE
  7.  ekam kasoti (21/12/19) Paper Solution   CLICK HERE
  8.   Punah Kasoti 21/12/19 CLICK HERE
  9.  ekam kasoti (28/12/19) Paper Solution   CLICK HERE
  10.  Punah Kasoti 21/12/19     CLICK HERE

     ↣ Bhashadip First, second, third , 4th week Solution CLICK HERE
    1. kasotinu dhora pramane alag Timetable   CLICK HERE
    2. Kasoti New Gun Patrak (Unit test Marksheet) pdf CLICK HERE

    Svadhyapothi Sou. CLICK HERE

    GUJARAT GOVERNMENT Held Ekam kasoti on every saturday.than Every school and Teachers are preparePUNAH EKAM KASOTI.Who are not get marks 25 of 25. This is my blog name GCERT STD 3 TO 8 SEM:-2 STANDARD:-3 Punah EkaM kaSOTi (Re-Unut Test) dATE-11-01-2020 Gujarat Primary School In Now progress so Std 3 To 8 Sem 2 ekam kasoti paper solution Given Below.

    UNIT TEST solution   11/01/2020

    STD-3   Download
    STD-4 Download

    STD-6 Download
    STD-7 Download
    STD-8 Download

    PUNAH EKAM KASOTI  11-01-2020


    PUNAH EKAM KASOTI STD:-  6   DATE:-11-01-2020  


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